Time for Self Cleaning
When you think of April, May, and June, you probably think of Spring, the time for deep cleaning, purging, and decluttering inside the house. Perhaps it’s you cleaning the yard, pulling out all the dead to make room for the new growth. I want to challenge you to flashback to the beginning of this year and look at the goals and aspirations you set for the year. Now take the following steps necessary to do a deep cleansing of the who(s) and what(s) that have caused distractions in life to get you off course. Make a list of what worked well and another list of what did not.
Ask these questions: How are things going? How, what, and where can I improve to better move toward the goal? What do I need to let go of? This will direct the areas of focus to optimize your “cleaning” efforts.
7 Steps to Self Cleaning
- Rediscover the Gift Called “Me”
You are a gift to this world. You are special, uniquely made for such a time as this. Explore and discover something new about your awesomeness and what gives you inspiration and joy. Through prayer and spending quiet time with the Creator, reclaim your strength and inner peace. Get back to the precious gift that you call “Me”.
- Clear your Mind
Woosah, clear your mind as much as possible. There is always so much going on inside our heads. Daily meditation is a wonderful way to clear your mind.
Check your attitude, you create more of what you think, your mindset is everything. It affects you and everyone else. Try journaling your thoughts, even if you must shred them because you cursed someone out. Be angry and sin not. Breathe and let that, Sh*t Go!!! You will feel much lighter. Get it out, if you do not it will create a stench, that is unbearable. Reality check: Stop trying to fit everything and everyone in, focus on priorities and release everything else that sucks the life out of you.
- Clean up your Relationships
Look closely at all your relationships? How are they doing? You may need to end unhealthy relationships or reach out and reconnect with old friends. Are your loved ones your priority? How are you utilizing your time towards your relationships, is it quality? Are you present, mindful, multitasking (working), or on phone/social media?
- Tidy Up Your Habits
What unhealthy habits do you need to eliminate before they cost you dearly? Replace them by focusing on building new positive habits.
- Examine Your Healthily Living
Time to get physical. Do you have a fitness routine? Springtime is an exciting time to get outdoors, take walks and do some gardening. What are your fuel sources? Hydrate… I have an app that reminds me to drink water. I am working at responding timely to the alerts, as I build new habits. I find it helpful if I keep a water bottle near me. Increase your natural whole foods, fruits, and vegetables.
- Get rid of the Clutter
Spring clean, all your spaces, the junk drawers, the closet (if it does not fit do not force it), the car, workspace, and all the spaces you spend time in. How many of the apps on your phone do you actually use? How many contacts and photos are on your phone that you do not need? What do your mail and emails look like? Have an unsubscribing session for those that no longer serve you. Delete!!! Delete!!! Delete!!! Unfriend and unfollow all negativity.
- Polish your Finances
Yes, I am a witness that our God will make a way out of no way. But there is something called Stewardship. Are you a good steward of your finances? Is there a need to rob Peter to pay Paul? This means it is not enough money to go around, so you are taking from one source to pay another. Review and refresh your Financial Plan. Proverbs 21:5 – The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty. Is the goal debt elimination, savings, retirement, home, travel, adjusting to living within your means, or all the above and then some? Take a close look at your money coming in and the money you got going out. How is it working for you? Is there a need to adjust your budget?
Dear Heavenly Father, it’s Springtime. Open up the windows of heaven and let your freshness blow, filling my mind with clarity. Let me experience the fragrance of your divine healing, emotional and physical. Help me to be the amazing gift that you created Called “Me”. Restore me, renew me, and cleanse me. I long to be a person after Your own heart, show me how I ought to live. Instruct me in Your ways, and walk beside me every moment of every day. ~ Amen
Great challenge to pause, reflect and redirect to stay on path of wholeness.
Wow-definitely a reset moment to stop you in your tracks and take a moment to reevaluate yourself.
Thanks for sharing!
Awesome post! I have done a lot of deep cleaning of my surroundings over the last year. And I believe at times we have to, because if we don’t we allow others to challenge our mental, emotional, and our overall character. And their removal may not be for forever, however it’s needed. In doing so I have reached new heights. Positions I have been dreaming to embark in I have the opportunity to do so. My blessings have been endless. When paying attention to the life god has for you and the people you need to let go to flourish. New doors will open with your obedience!!!
How awesome is this reminder and challenge to do an overall spring cleaning, mentally, spiritually and physically! Time to delete, let go and refresh!
I loved this process of reflection and renewal simultaneously. It allowed me to take stock and concentrate on the things that are important and let go of things that are not.