So many types of Love to choose from, where do we start?

We sometimes feel empty and unfulfilled, but there is a splendor and fullness when we open ourselves up to experience multiple types of love. Perhaps we feel unsatisfied with our love life because we’re putting so much into our romantic relationships that we’ve neglected ourselves, family, friendships and God. Could it be we are looking for Love in all the wrong places?  I believe we must start within to look for love. Love is beyond the outward and what you can see physically. How can you receive from someone else what you don’t understand, respect, value and know how to care for?  

Hey “Me”

If you have not experienced self-love, this is a good time to step back and find you and love yourself. If you don’t really know and understand what it is to love yourself, you will never truly appreciate the Gift Called “Me”.  It takes spending intimate time with self, praying, and reaching deep down within to discover what is needed, to love and fully understand how to be loved. Loving yourself requires loving without condition, expecting the best, making the necessary sacrifices, not keeping score of all your shortcomings, mistakes and failed attempts of hopes and dreams. You keep going, dust yourself off, forgive, seek and embrace the lesson. You trust that our Creator did not make a mistake when you were created.

Hey “Friend”

 Now that I have experienced self-love it has helped me eliminate conflicts, created room for me to see others without being judgmental and/or controlling.  Understand, my friend how much you mean to me. You have made an impact on my life and I will never forget you. I’m willing to sacrifice and take the efforts that are required to help and be accountable to you.  To stop loving you would require me to stop loving part of myself. Through the time, distance, circumstances, and busyness of life be confident that the memories are as strong as yesterday. You are in my thoughts and heart. Your presence in my life has had such an incredible influence, that because of you, I’m “Me”.

 Hey “Sweetheart”

When I married you over 36 years ago, I couldn’t imagine the possibilities of sharing and enjoying multiple types of Love with you. From the Lust yep I’m still infatuated, the Friendship, the Passion is “Real” as is my Commitment. I love how over time we have learned how to be patient, endure, embrace each other’s flaws, see and bring the best out of each other. We have experienced many Seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter on this journey together. I’ve learned to let go of the fantasies to make room for creating our realities filled with wonder and joy. Thank God we learned if it doesn’t fit don’t force it…  It’s not my call to change or recreate you. I will continue to answer the call to love, support, embrace and encourage you to continue to grow into the best “You”. As the years continue, day by day, I will strive to love you in many ways. By Grace may you always be able to experience these three Eros, Philia and Agape Love through me.

 Hey “God”

Lord you are the only Love I want to change for.  Here I am, shape and mold me into a beautiful form of Art. You know “Me” better than I know myself, every detail. I love you because not only did you love me first, but you know how to love me completely without trial and error.  Your love has always been unfailing. I love, adore and reverence you. Every day you show me, agape love, in so many ways. You are so good to me. Thank you for your unwavering and everlasting love. You are the 1st I want to say good morning and the last to say goodnight to. Thank you for Jeremiah 29:11. Your Love is Alpha and Omega, that endless that gives me a daily dose of unspeakable Joy.

I ended with the beginning in mind.  Without the understanding of God’s Love and the marvelous creation of you, you will not have the foundation to build a healthy relationship with yourself.  You need God for the understanding and capacity to love yourself which equips you with the ability to build, restore and maintain healthy relationships with others. We all give and receive love differently.  What types of love have you experienced and what types are you looking forward to adding and giving. It’s pretty powerful to have the capacity to operate in the overflow and give love and expect nothing in return, don’t you think?

Click the link and take the Love Style Quiz…