Shut Up and Speak Up

Shut Up and Speak Up

Shut Up, Watch Your Mouth, and Be Quiet are just a few responses we give those that are in our ear, talking crazy and getting on our last nerve.  They go on and on and on and you think why are you still talking to me? Growing up when my Grandmother would get on her soapbox, I would hear my Grandfather say, “Jesus Christ Susie give it a break will you?”  She would stretch that neck, stick out her chest like a peacock and would just keep talking. He would eventually get up from the table and walk into the next room and sometimes right out the front door.

We can silence others by disconnecting ourselves, walking away, blocking their calls and texts, and unfriending them on social media.  However, what happens when it’s impossible to walk away and disconnect from the negative noise that spends countless hours accusing and abusing us emotionally, mentally and verbally daily? How do we silence our Inner Voice which can be very negative, destructive, unrealistic, unmotivating and self-defeating? Because we are constantly talking to ourselves, we need to become more mindful, paying close attention to our self-talk. Our Thoughts become our Spoken Words and our Words become our Actions.

We need to Speak Up!!!  Call it out, check it like you would for your loved ones and friends. We’re protective of all others we care about, why wouldn’t we fight to protect ourselves from the trash that sucks life itself from us. We need to set realistic goals that inspire our purpose.  Give them life by promoting, supporting, encouraging ourselves just like we do others we care about. Understanding we are not perfect, yes, we error but that’s part of life’s lessons. When your Sister falls you don’t say your such a Loser… No, you say it’s ok Sis you got this, I believe in you, Victory is Yours. So, on your own behalf open your MOUTH and tell Negative Nancy to take a hike or say, Bye Felicia.

Once we evict Negative Nancy, say goodbye to Felicia or however you choose to name the negative conversations that take place in your thoughts, you need to immediately replace them with positive thoughts.  Practice daily thinking about and celebrating your victories big and small. Fill each day looking, seeking and thinking about all the blessings you can Thank God for and the things you are grateful for. In other words, Philippians 4:8 that mess… Every Negative Thought!!!

“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. (Philippians 4:8-9 MSG)

Are you in a Holding Pattern?

Are you in a Holding Pattern?

How-to enjoy the journey

It’s time for me to Land… I’ve spent far too many times in my personal and professional life in Holding Patterns.  I have taken off countless times with no landing. Feeling that the conditions for me are unfavorable to land. Waiting for the perfect timing, waiting and delaying, trying to give others the opportunity to secure landing first.  Concerned if they will be ok or feel abandon if I went ahead of them. Wondering do I have enough support to act now? Although, the Control Tower, the one that controls all had given me the clearance to land. 

Well, once again, I have been instructed for landing. According to the Control Tower, the conditions are optimal, and I have been cleared. I’m going to move forward with zero visibility. The delay has been long enough. 

I appreciate the fact that God continued to replenish and refuel me during those times I was instructed to land but continue to hoover, remain suspended in one place in the air. I’ve been airborne long enough, no more hindering and blocking myself. I’m experiencing a strong presence of timing.  God is blowing all internal and external hindrances and obstacles away. I invite each day to a renewed cleansing of my fears, insecurities to be demolished, and discouragements and heaviness that makes me want to quit to be lifted.

Are you in a holding pattern?

The journey you’re currently on and the place you’re in, what is your spirit speaking to you? God has ready you for something Great.  Let’s embrace the fact, we do not have to see it all, that would not be Faith. We do not have to know all the answers, He is the ultimate Tour Guide. 

So, what is it that God told you to do that you haven’t started doing yet? What are you waiting for? God has your best interests at heart. Go ahead and do what he’s told you to do. All Clear, Time for you to Land.