7 Steps to Self-Care: How-to not be a Greedy Grandma

7 Steps to Self-Care: How-to not be a Greedy Grandma

I don’t want to be a Greedy Grandma…

A few weeks ago, my 5-year-old and I was doing our morning routine of getting ready for the day. She looks at me and said, “Nonna you’re turning into a Greedy Grandma.” I had to catch my composure, What the ?!? is a Greedy Grandma? So, I smiled and asked her, Christal what exactly is a Greedy Grandma? She replied you know!!! Look at your hair and body as she motioned towards my body, All of This!!!  Ouch, as I laughed with her thinking within, I don’t want to turn into a Greedy Grandma.

Thinking about what I can do that will stop and reverse what she has identified in motion. What she had done was put a spotlight on truth, my struggle the past few years with lack of energy, weight gain, stiffness, aches, insomnia, and many other changes, which I won’t name. However, I’m sure many of you can name some similar aches and pains as well as can relate. Staying healthy and weight loss for women over the age of 50 can be difficult.

On this Journey of Rediscovering the Gift Called “ME” I need to commit and stick to a lifestyle change of taking care of my body from the inside out. Here are my 7 steps I’m committing and disciplining myself to see the process through as I am reprioritizing my focus, not to become a Greedy Grandma. Nothing new, but a fresh outlook, perspective, and commitment… 

How to Not Be a Greedy Grandma

  1. Affirmation: I am not and will not become a “Greedy Grandma”
  2. Exercise: Walking and Stretching 5 Days a Week
  3. Water: I will not drink less than 60ozs per day
  4. Healthy Eating Choices: 5 Days a week
  5. SWAG: Daily
  6. Mindfulness Techniques: Practice Daily
  7. Bedtime: Disconnect Weekdays by 9 pm to 5 am from all electronics 

Thanks, little Christal for making it Christal Clear, that our bodies are our temples and that I need to take better care of it.

Please share if you have any comments or suggestions on how to help me lose weight over the age of 50 as not to become a Greedy Grandma. 

October Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Four Seasons of Weekend Regret

Why I Kiss every October for the past 13 Years?  As a Mother of a Survivor💜, I donate 💯 percent of my profits from every Lip Products purchased.  It’s my way of giving back to Agencies like SOJOURNER that aid in the safety with resources and awareness for Others to become Survivors.


Some of my horrifying experiences as a Mother of a Survivor💜  I had a strange feeling… Couldn’t quite put my figure on it, but it was troubling.  As I watched the body language, quiet whispers and gentle rub across the back of her neck, her body became stiff and fear filled her eyes and every area of her face. Lord something is not right but she continued to claim everything was Good.  You literally saw her heart start to beat rapidly every time she glanced at her phone and saw it was a text message from him. 

Soon she became distant and communication to me will be limited and entirely cut off after working hours on Fridays.  I begin to regret weekends and this mother’s anxiety would be through the roof. I prayed for the weekends to flash by waiting for that Monday Morning call at the start of her workweek.  Lord, I praise and thank you for the sound of my baby’s voice, we made it through another weekend.

I started receiving messages from her friends that they felt she was acting funny, distant, short and unlike herself.  Some taking it somewhat personal. Later I learned and understood this is called Isolation.

My Daughter the “Gifted One” is a Phenomenal Woman. She’s one of the Strongest and most Powerful individuals on this earth.  With that being said, please understand that Domestic Violence affects women of all backgrounds. Has nothing to do with your status, strength, gifts, qualifications or confidence. It has no respect of person… any race, age, sexual orientation religion, or gender.  It can be very silent and difficult for outside parties to identify, for this reason alone, I will continue the fight for awareness to KISS Domestic Violence Goodbye!!!

Click the links below if you believe that yourself or someone you know is in an abusive relationship.



7 Steps to look into Your Inner Soul

7 Steps to look into Your Inner Soul

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall… We want a look into our Inner Soul.  We’re on a journey of (re)Discovering the Gift “Called Me”. We will approach this journey, just like getting reacquainted with anyone else, it takes time. Understanding that this is a Life Journey, it’s not a few hours or merely a 30-Day Program.  God you are the Mirror, begin a Fresh Work in us as you renew our minds from the inside out.

“To be made new in the attitude of your minds”

Ephesians 4:23 NIV

No more lies from the thoughts that paralyze, holding us hostage.  So much noise floating through the atmosphere, spreading notes of fear and tunes of doubts, setting the mood for inability, insecurity, inadequacy, and inferiority.  Shhhhhhh Peace Be Still, talk to us Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. Do not show the outer being, but take a close intimate look at the inner true being. Who I’m I? Who is this Gift “Called Me”?

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels
Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall we will look deep into our eyes, we will pause and listen for our hearts to answer and communicate our true identity as we explore and embrace these 7 Steps of (re)Discovery. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ~ We need clarity… We want to CClear!!!

1. What’s my Purpose?

2. What’s my Vision?

3. What’s my Values?

4. What’s my Beliefs?

5. What’s my Goals?

6. What’s my Inspiration?

7. What’s my Motivation?

I Lost Myself

I Lost Myself

When, where, and how did I lose myself? Where am I? How did I get here?

On the Journey of discovering or rediscovering yourself, I recommend Journaling. We need to know who we are and who’s we are, to live a life with intention, purpose, and wholeness. Writing down our thoughts and feelings helps to understand and process them more clearly.  In stressful times and anxiety, it has helped me gain control of emotions and improved my mood and overall health. Not to speak of the revelations, confirmations, and healing that you experience months and even years later when you revisit your journal entries.

A Journey Into the Journal

Wow, It’s February 2005 where did the time go? I feel lost and misplaced. Have I wasted an entire four months? How do I get rid of this void and emptiness? Where am I? Why do I feel so rejected and hurt? Is this my wilderness?

I have been sick with the Flu. I believe I have slept more over the past months, than my entire life 🙂 or :-(.  Pastor state’s this is a time of rest for me. I have started to explore Coaching. What’s new for me this season is my stillness. In the past, I would be employed by now. But I am not seeking employment or a career.  I desire freedom and wholeness. 

In the e-book Exploring Coaching, it asked have you reached your Rubicon? What is Rubicon? Rubicon is a boundary, that when crossed commits a person irrevocably. The decision is swift, clearly defined action.  Rubicon is a point of no return.

Today Pastor Sermon was titled Civil War. Joshua 5… Oh my, this place that I am in is called Gilgal.  The war is against myself, I’m battling myself it’s called internal warfare. What should be taking place here? I can not be released from here until I set up a monument to reflect on God’s miraculous Blessings.  This is a place where my healing will take place. Disgrace and embarrassment, hurt for bing enslaved will be taking away. A place of preparation to let Jesus give the orders in my life, for Him to decide my most important goals. A place to let go of self. obey and trust. A place to reach my Rubicon.                      

An excerpt for my personal journal entry from Feb. 2005.
How To Revive A Dying Plant

How To Revive A Dying Plant

Don’t Give Up On Me

Don’t Give Up On Me

Earlier this year I almost gave up on my Bonsai Plant that I purchased last Fall. Instead, I decided to give it some TLC and time to adapt to its new surroundings.  As I watched I felt inspired as though I heard a gentle whisper saying “Don’t Give Up On Me”. At that time I decided to catalog pictures at different stages of the process.

Jan. 2019 right before considering throwing away this Bonsai plant.

Have you ever wanted to just give up? I am sure we all have our moments.  You may have experienced trial after trial weighing you down to the point of despair. Aging starting to creep up on you, experiencing changes to your body making it unfamiliar and confusing.  Depleting the energy, strength, joy, passion, and determination from your heart and mind. When we find ourselves in this new place we tend to believe and accept the perception that time has run out for us to capture and accomplish our Desires and Dreams. 

Sometimes in life, we go through circumstances that seem unbearable.  Circumstances that cause us to question our faith and ourselves. Circumstances that push us down so far that we begin to wonder if we’ll ever Stand again.  Oh But God, (saying that phrase alone causes revival) He wants you to be encouraged. The God that knows you better than you know yourself… The Creator of the Gift you call “Me”. 

3 months later… March 2019

Don’t get comfortable or common with this outer state and current circumstances. It can get a bit frustrating but don’t give up on the Gift you call “Me”.  It’s patiently waiting for you to rediscover the inner gem now full of wisdom, excitement, vision, and clarity. The Lord wants you to stop listening to the lies from the enemy. It’s not over, pray and seek His presences, there you will find instructions for a CClear Vision for this Season. 

September 2019

There is still life to live… Each day that we have a  heartbeat and the breath of Life is a Day to LIVE and not merely exist. God hasn’t given up on the Gift you call “Me” so don’t you dare give up.  Your roots are alive and with the proper attention, nourishment, and care there will be new growth breaking through ready to thrive. So whatever you do, say to yourself do not give up on “Me” and behold the transformation.