It’s time for me to Land… I’ve spent far too many times in my personal and professional life in Holding Patterns. I have taken off countless times with no landing. Feeling that the conditions for me are unfavorable to land. Waiting for the perfect timing, waiting and delaying, trying to give others the opportunity to secure landing first. Concerned if they will be ok or feel abandon if I went ahead of them. Wondering do I have enough support to act now? Although, the Control Tower, the one that controls all had given me the clearance to land.
Well, once again, I have been instructed for landing. According to the Control Tower, the conditions are optimal, and I have been cleared. I’m going to move forward with zero visibility. The delay has been long enough.
I appreciate the fact that God continued to replenish and refuel me during those times I was instructed to land but continue to hoover, remain suspended in one place in the air. I’ve been airborne long enough, no more hindering and blocking myself. I’m experiencing a strong presence of timing. God is blowing all internal and external hindrances and obstacles away. I invite each day to a renewed cleansing of my fears, insecurities to be demolished, and discouragements and heaviness that makes me want to quit to be lifted.
Are you in a holding pattern?
The journey you’re currently on and the place you’re in, what is your spirit speaking to you? God has ready you for something Great. Let’s embrace the fact, we do not have to see it all, that would not be Faith. We do not have to know all the answers, He is the ultimate Tour Guide.
So, what is it that God told you to do that you haven’t started doing yet? What are you waiting for? God has your best interests at heart. Go ahead and do what he’s told you to do. All Clear, Time for you to Land.
Have you sometimes felt as if you’re going against all odds? Things just aren’t lining up in your favor? Impossible? Maybe it’s not the impossible, but highly unlikely.
You’re ready to soar, but on every turn, you’re experiencing a great deal of turbulence. Ready to blossom but find yourself in the wrong season. Life’s climate is similar to the weather patterns we’ve experienced this November in Wisconsin.
Snow, cold making early November seems like the middle of winter across much of Wisconsin; temperatures could hit record lows.
“An arctic cold front looks likely to sweep across the area late Saturday night and Sunday, setting off scattered mainly snow showers, with the cold air settling over Wisconsin Sunday night and Monday,” according to a statement from the weather service. I’m here to let you know that wherever you are today, time hour and moment, God placed you there. The bitter cold and the strong winds will not last forever, but at this time this is your spot, to blossom no matter the external conditions of the soil and temperature.
This past Tuesday, as I was waiting for the School Bus dropoff I was persuaded that no matter the conditions, God can place us in situations against all odds, that will allow us to produce and be fruitful in the most unlikely circumstances. The location might be the same physical spot, but a new and different season. Most plants don’t bloom in the depth of winter, but as I glanced down what did I see? Life so bold, brilliant and beautiful. With everything else surrounding it dead (lifeless), dull and dormant. I couldn’t help but wonder what was the characteristics in this small plant that gave it the capabilities to endure all the challenges that this season put it through.
Lord continue to coach, develop and guide me on this journey of discovering the internal season of what time, place, how and when to blossom adding beauty, radiance, and life to every thought, word, and gesture each day. Allow me to make an impact in my garden of life. I’m willing to adapt to climate change and conditions right where I am. Yep, I’m in the right place at the right time. The more I discover this wonderful gift called “Me” my roots grow deeper and stronger in and out of every season.
Perhaps you are the light in a dark place. Maybe you are the Oasis in a dry place, Perchance it’s your Season to bloom in place.
You Planted… You weeded and watered… What’s your Harvest of Blessings?
The Season of Thanksgiving… sadly, this year we didn’t really get the chance to experience the fullness of the brilliancy of the burst of nature’s colors and the warmth of the Indian Summer, but there’s still that sense of change taking place in the atmosphere.
We’re starting to harvest the fruits of our labor (2019 Goals). It’s a time of feasting, rejoicing, enjoying family and friends, and giving back. Your family may be growing with grandchildren and/or expanding with future extended family. Speaking of feasting, what are your Thanksgiving dinner traditions? My daughter, Jade has cooked the Thanksgiving dinner for the past 6 years. I got a peek at her tentative menu and guests list of 18 yesterday. I’m so excited and looking forward to the food and fellowship. For most, it’s food, fellowship, and football.
I believe that Thanksgiving should also be used as a time to reflect. Let’s examine our Harvest very closely, take the time to reflect on what we have learned from this year’s victories and challenges. What does our fruit look like?
What changes are happening in your life?
What are the projects you need to wrap up to prepare for your Christal Clear 2020?
What were your proudest accomplishments over 2019 spring and summer months?
What’s weighing you down mentally, physically, and emotionally that you need to drop and let go?
What do we need to clean up and get rid of in our lives?
What needs to be rooted up and disregarded?
What are those things that we need to let go of, that no longer serve you?
What are the changes needed before the Winter Season truly sets in?
As I gaze out my office window, I hear the wind hollowing and leaves scattering along with other debris blowing through the air across the yards. While the leaves drop and release themselves from the trees. This is the season to let go and release. However, if we continue to hold onto our “stuff” it hibernates. Therefore, we must rack it up and take every bit of it to the dump. Amen! Sometimes people and things go dormant and we think we’re good until spring comes and that thing takes on life bigger and stronger than ever before. There’s a major cleanup needed!!! Pruning what did not bring forth good fruit.
As this marks the end of the growing season, let’s reflect, evaluate, and make the necessary changes need. The process of harvesting includes cutting, separating (sorting), cleaning, hauling, dying, cooling and storing. It’s time to reap your Harvest, set the table with your turkey as the centerpiece, delicious main and side dishes, appetizers to desserts. Celebrate! Rejoice! Feast with family and friends, as you give back!
On this journey of rediscovering the Gift called “ME”; I am assured that I am not the only woman, and I’ll even go as far as to say I am not the only Christian Woman that has found themselves lonely, unhappy, unfulfilled caught up in this thing called “life.” In a world where society rates and ranks us by assigning value to our level of busyness. We alone with others compare ourselves to these measures. Which is why so many of us feel threatened by the success of others.
True Confession, it’s exhausting trying to do enough, be enough and hold on to the belief “I AM Enough”.
Adopting and adapting the belief that we should be like the Energizer Bunny. Just keep going and going and going… Trying to satisfy our need to perform, makes it’s difficult to relax, retreat, refresh and refuel. My entire life I pride myself on not only achieving but being an overachiever. The real question is overachieving in what? So often it would seem to go unnoticed or acknowledged. It started as a child looking for acceptance, approval, of my parents. The need to want to please and not disappoint because others had already given me a false identity. So many times, we are so busy doing good deeds, that were not requested by the recipient nor directed by God. Assuming our performance, gestures would determine our worth and personal identity, just to end up feeling rejected by those we wanted to desperately love, help, please and care for.
Our identity the Gift you call “ME” is Priceless, we were created by the Creator.
I’m waking up to the fact that we were created as human “beings“, not as human “doings”. I want to just “be“… Just saying that, is refreshing and gives me a feeling of revival.
I need you, God… I feel so incomplete. Lord, you are the only one that can transform my heart and mind to recognize my identity. My soul thirsts for you, fill my cup until it overflows. My self-worth does not depend on the measures of others, nor based on my accomplishments.
-Who have you created me to be?
-What is my core identity?
-With all the energy sources of Family, Ministry, Business, Boards, Clubs, and Memberships tugging and pulling on me each day. How can I identify the proper outlets?
All that I do to help resolve the pain and needs of others but at the same time run from or neglect to address my own hurt and pain, grant me your wisdom. I forgive all who have hurt me and did not acknowledge how much. I cared about them and refused to reciprocate the same love and care in return. I forgive those who I felt betrayed by.
Penetrate Lord… go deep, here I am, heal me. I don’t want to be defined by the praises of others and the success of my struggles and accomplishments.
Transform … here I am waiting …I need you to be Christal Clear in my identity. Help me to receive your Divine Inheritance. I want to allow myself to align with harmony and abundance. I want to open myself up to receiving the infinite flow of abundance of my personal identification. Remove the thoughts of I can’t have, shouldn’t have and don’t deserve all your great abundance that’s my destiny. Forgive me for taking on too much stuff, busyness and over exhorting myself into circumstances where I thought I had to rescue and save the day. I am not the Refuge nor Savior, only a load that you can carry. I ask that you do the same for everyone who finds themselves on this journey.
How many hats are you wearing and/or are roles you play? Take a moment and list all the hats that you put on and take off on any given day. Not only do I wear many different hats, but I am also cast for many different roles. Some I audition for and so many others I have no clue how I got the part. Those we love, friends, church folks, haters, co-workers, and the list goes on and on, will cast you into their never-ending drama/sitcoms productions.
If you really want to have some fun in the midst of a meeting, conversation or gathering switch the role that others have placed and designated for you. This will really cause confusion, an uproar and you can watch the dominoes fall right before your eyes.
Story Time: Based on a True Story
It was time for our weekly Senior Leadership Meeting with the Directors of Marketing, Sales, IT, Production and Customer Service. At these meetings I always felt like the target, often feeling like my voice was mute or when I was heard it was dismissed by “Christal you’re so defensive or sensitive”. I reported the customer service statistics and metrics factually each week. This somehow was translated into me being defensive. I never witnessed any of my peers tagged with such a description. One particular morning, I arrived to the boardroom before anyone else and decided to sit where let’s call him “Bob” normally would sit. As Bob and others arrived they had to sit in different seats. Oh, my, the look of unease on all their faces. Absolutely Hilarious!!! LMBO
Just thinking about it again. Keep in mind if you looked at our corporate titles we were all peers, no official assigned sitting. I didn’t stop at taking his seat, yep I decided to role play as Bob. With me playing Bob, who would he play and whose role would each of the others play? Who would play the defensive and sensitive one? Lol. When I tell you it got so CRAZY, they literally were tripping over their words, could not function. Bob and a couple of them stormed out the door. The only cool, calm and collective one was “ME”. As the remaining of us started to leave my Sr. said, “Christal don’t leave, I need to talk to you.” After everyone else had left, he yelled, “what the **!!**just happen? I replied, “what do you mean?” Angrily he retorted, ” YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN.” Calmly, I said, “Not sure how you would explain it but the Team did seem a bit off today. ”
I left that meeting convinced of two things:
Each day the stage is set for us and our roles are cast.
Others take it upon themselves to define, cast the role for you and expect you to play that role.
How will you decide to cast your own role or will you allow others to control and define your limits and boundaries?
There’s a new season on the horizon and all current drama/sitcoms productions in your life have been canceled. All the networks are putting their bids in for this one individual (“You”) that is extremely gifted and talented to write, cast, direct and produce the next infinite series titled, The Gift Called ‘ME”. How will you write the script, and select the cast? What is your storyline (wants, desires, goals). Reflect on your life, continuously go deep into your inner core… listen to that voice, those thoughts, values, and feelings to write your authentic script.
What is it that you believe that defines your identity, with no judgment? You will continue to wear many hats and play lots of roles throughout your life: wife, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and friend just to name a few. Being true to yourself is the key. Once aligned with your internal beliefs and values you will experience peace and joy no matter what hat or role. Each Season of rediscovering the Gift Called “ME” will produce the Highest-Rated Lifetime Series.
So, will you create, star, direct, and produce your own movie? Today’s journey that’s Your Reality, Your Stage, Your Show? #CClear