We spend every moment of our lives with ourselves. More time than we will ever spend with anyone else. How often if at all, do we affirm, encourage, and nurture, the relationship with ourselves?
We take care of the needs of everyone else around us without paying enough attention to our own needs, accomplishments, and feelings. But nothing is more important than building a positive relationship with oneself. This creates a Healthier and Happier Life… reducing stress, improving our mood and outlook. Allowing us to pour more effectively into the lives of others we care about.
Take time to enjoy this coming Valentine’s Day appreciating yourself the Valentine Gift Called “Me”. Here are some Quotes to serve as a little reminder of how important it is to love yourself first.
“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”
– Oscar Wilde
“To love yourself is to understand you don’t need to be perfect to be good.”
– Anonymous
“When a woman becomes her own best friend, life is easier.”
“Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have.”
– Anonymous
“When a woman becomes her own best friend, life is easier.” – Diane Von Furstenberg
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
– Maya Angelou
“Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one.”
– Eleanor Roosevelt
“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”
Happy Valentine’s Day Gorgeous, I love celebrating you. Wishing the sweetest day to my forever Valentine. You are so special, and I would like to spoil you. I hope you feel how much I love you and how grateful I am to have you. Allow me to make this a Valentine to remember. You give me a reason to look forward to each day, making this life an awesome adventure. I love you for the joy, harmony, discipline, and transparency you bring, making life so Christal Clear.
I love waking up to you each morning. As I start my day whether it’s gazing in the mirror or stepping on the scale, it is you that cancel the negative criticism. Affirming that every gray or lost hair is a banner of wisdom as I grow and age with grace. While I scan my naked body, you remind me of the beauty of life that came from this lovely creation of art. Then you whisper so lovely and gently the subtle reminders of actions needed today for a more healthier & fit ‘Me”, as we drop these unwanted pounds.
I close my eyes at night with peace and a smile on my face, as I reminisce through all the seasons, we been through (wonderful and stormy). I thank God for this Gift Called “Me”. You’re the reason I am who I am today. You are the stability that keeps me grounded. Thank you for standing with me through thick and thin. Happy Valentine’s Day to “Me” the Woman of my Dreams.
A possum will often act dead when faced with a situation it doesn’t want to deal with.
You’re experiencing situations where you were wronged and the hurt, anger, and bitterness continue to linger. It can be hard to forgive and let go, especially when people don’t acknowledge the pain they have caused you. So many times, it gets flipped as if you’re the villain, inflicting pain on yourself. This creates a perfect environment to “play ‘possum”. No strength left to fight, as the predators lurk, we choose to lay down, roll over and play dead to fool the predators, hoping for some relief from our chaos.
As you experience this Season of isolation, loneliness, despair and hurt, you retreat inside a hollow tree or dark cave. Feeling if I don’t react, do, say or “be” anything, thinking if I just play dead, it all will go away. What you think is a refuge turns into a prison and if you stay there too long it becomes a grave of ineffectiveness. You hide away in a habitat thinking you’re avoiding more hurt, disappointment and the shame of failure. An imprisonment that paralyzes and keeps you from moving forward toward the discovery of the Gift Called “Me”, the key to God’s amazing plan created just for you. You were created for more than your current situations or circumstances. You were created to stir up some stuff… your Gift was created to make an impact in this World.
Arise Mighty Woman of the Most High, wake up from your sleep. You weren’t created to survive in darkness. Take your Stance, Courageous One, yes you have experienced many setbacks and difficult times as it has caused you to roam around in the darkness but it’s not over… It’s just the beginning of your Greater things ahead. The last time the enemies looked you were speechless, lifeless, limp and defeated.
So, lol at least that’s what they thought Ha!!! They smelled the decay, the stench of death… but you were just “Playing Possum”. Arise my Sister you’re not dead, they didn’t consider God’s Perspective on your life. These circumstances have strengthened your faith, deepen your Courage, brought Maturity and equipped you for the Fight.
Therefore, you cannot live a possum’s life anymore, they are nocturnal creatures. Their life is dark and lifeless. You were created to thrive in the Light… you were created by the Life-Giver. You are in a place now where you pray for and forgive your perpetrators and refuse to cave into a life of imprisonment. You release the bitterness and let go of all the garbage that a possum seeks out to eat. Your refuge is God, a sacred hiding place, you choose to walk in His Freedom
“You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.”
Shut Up, Watch Your Mouth, and Be Quiet are just a few responses we give those that are in our ear, talking crazy and getting on our last nerve. They go on and on and on and you think why are you still talking to me? Growing up when my Grandmother would get on her soapbox, I would hear my Grandfather say, “Jesus Christ Susie give it a break will you?” She would stretch that neck, stick out her chest like a peacock and would just keep talking. He would eventually get up from the table and walk into the next room and sometimes right out the front door.
We can silence others by disconnecting ourselves, walking away, blocking their calls and texts, and unfriending them on social media. However, what happens when it’s impossible to walk away and disconnect from the negative noise that spends countless hours accusing and abusing us emotionally, mentally and verbally daily? How do we silence our Inner Voice which can be very negative, destructive, unrealistic, unmotivating and self-defeating? Because we are constantly talking to ourselves, we need to become more mindful, paying close attention to our self-talk. Our Thoughts become our Spoken Words and our Words become our Actions.
We need to Speak Up!!! Call it out, check it like you would for your loved ones and friends. We’re protective of all others we care about, why wouldn’t we fight to protect ourselves from the trash that sucks life itself from us. We need to set realistic goals that inspire our purpose. Give them life by promoting, supporting, encouraging ourselves just like we do others we care about. Understanding we are not perfect, yes, we error but that’s part of life’s lessons. When your Sister falls you don’t say your such a Loser… No, you say it’s ok Sis you got this, I believe in you, Victory is Yours. So, on your own behalf open your MOUTH and tell Negative Nancy to take a hike or say, Bye Felicia.
Once we evict Negative Nancy, say goodbye to Felicia or however you choose to name the negative conversations that take place in your thoughts, you need to immediately replace them with positive thoughts. Practice daily thinking about and celebrating your victories big and small. Fill each day looking, seeking and thinking about all the blessings you can Thank God for and the things you are grateful for. In other words, Philippians 4:8 that mess… Every Negative Thought!!!
“Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. (Philippians 4:8-9 MSG)
People say, “New Year… New You”, that’s not us at all. I’m not seeking to exchange this beautiful Gift Called “Me”. I’m praying you give me the opportunity to make it right with you. I’m sorry for the neglect, mistreatment, and hurt I have caused in the past. Yes, I can see there are many repairs needed. I see the evidence of damage in so many areas: displacement, abandonment, heartache, exhaustion, anxiety, stiffness, aches and pains.
I’m committed to showing up BIG for you in 2020, loving you deeper and completely than I have ever before.
· What are your needs this moment?
· What is it you need from me to be Healthy & Fit?
· What are the things you love and long to do?
· What should we be letting go and releasing?
· How can I Love You better Mind, Body and Soul?
It’s you that has my full attention. I love you, please allow me to make it right. Thank you for all the things you’ve done for me throughout my life. I respect you for your continuous daily grind and resolve. I honor you for your determination and endurance in holding it all together. Thank you for caring to seek healing for my brokenness physical, emotional and spiritual. How could I not love someone so wise and trustworthy? Speak, you have my undivided attention. I’m not only listening but I will hear every word and make sure I understand every detail of what you need, want and desire. What’s needed for your complete healing, repair, and revitalization? What actions do I take so that you can thrive? Again, I acknowledge through my neglect much mutilation, but I’m here to focus on you. I am going to stay right here devoted to, rediscovering, restoring, repairing, nourishing, loving, inspiring and caring for this wonderful Gift Called “Me”.
Lord impart your Wisdom upon us as we take this Journey of Self-Care. Help us to embrace our shortcomings, flaws, weaknesses. Grant us discipline, focus, strength, and endurance.
When we give someone a gift, we pick out something special that will truly bless them – not something that’s broken or faded or used. When Jesus calls us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, He’s calling us to offer our very selves as a gift to our Creator. He’s not suggesting, Do a whole bunch of things for God; He’s saying, Offer your whole self—that’s the greatest gift you can give! We do that by offering the very best of ourselves – and that means taking care of us. Holley Gerth says, “Part of loving well is resting well.” When we regularly nourish our hearts, souls, and minds, we have more love to share.