People say, “New Year… New You”, that’s not us at all.  I’m not seeking to exchange this beautiful Gift Called “Me”.  I’m praying you give me the opportunity to make it right with you. I’m sorry for the neglect, mistreatment, and hurt I have caused in the past. Yes, I can see there are many repairs needed.  I see the evidence of damage in so many areas: displacement, abandonment, heartache, exhaustion, anxiety, stiffness, aches and pains.

I’m committed to showing up BIG for you in 2020, loving you deeper and completely than I have ever before.

·         What are your needs this moment?

·         What is it you need from me to be Healthy & Fit?

·         What are the things you love and long to do?

·         What should we be letting go and releasing?

·         How can I Love You better Mind, Body and Soul?

It’s you that has my full attention. I love you, please allow me to make it right.  Thank you for all the things you’ve done for me throughout my life. I respect you for your continuous daily grind and resolve.  I honor you for your determination and endurance in holding it all together. Thank you for caring to seek healing for my brokenness physical, emotional and spiritual. How could I not love someone so wise and trustworthy? Speak, you have my undivided attention. I’m not only listening but I will hear every word and make sure I understand every detail of what you need, want and desire. What’s needed for your complete healing, repair, and revitalization? What actions do I take so that you can thrive? Again, I acknowledge through my neglect much mutilation, but I’m here to focus on you. I am going to stay right here devoted to, rediscovering, restoring, repairing, nourishing, loving, inspiring and caring for this wonderful Gift Called “Me”.

Lord impart your Wisdom upon us as we take this Journey of Self-Care. Help us to embrace our shortcomings, flaws, weaknesses.  Grant us discipline, focus, strength, and endurance.

When we give someone a gift, we pick out something special that will truly bless them – not something that’s broken or faded or used. When Jesus calls us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, He’s calling us to offer our very selves as a gift to our Creator. He’s not suggesting, Do a whole bunch of things for God; He’s saying, Offer your whole self—that’s the greatest gift you can give! We do that by offering the very best of ourselves – and that means taking care of us. Holley Gerth says, “Part of loving well is resting well.” When we regularly nourish our hearts, souls, and minds, we have more love to share.